So the way that the game plays is like a type of chess where on each screen you must move between tiles to the tempo of the music as long as there are enemies to do battle with. And if you?re like me and haven?t heard of the Crypt of the NecroDancer games then you?re in for a treat because this is a very music based type of gameplay that is complimented very well by the Zelda coat of paint!

And it?s not by Nintendo! Well it is published by them and has Nintendo?s support but otherwise Cadence of Hyrule: Crypt of the NecroDancer Featuring The Legend of Zelda is a game made by indie studio Brace Yourself Games and brings a new twist to classic gameplay that we all know and love.

So if you?ve missed 2D Zelda then you might be in for a surprise to hear that there?s a new one out.